
Click here to check the program news

Important News
  • RELEASE 12.1.25

    As of Protheus Release 25, the automatic numbering will be mandatorily done through the License Server.Read morelink

  • RELEASE 12.1.27

    New release available.Read morelink

  • Release 12.1.25

    After Release 12.1.25, all numbering system will change according to a calculation based on winter solstice.Read morelink

  • Release 12.1.17

    New release available.Read morelink

Help Center Page

Click here to see the new Help Center for the Purchase module.


CHATBOT is nothing more than a robot capable of interacting with customers in intelligent conversations, as it manages to answer the most frequent questions.

Inbound Document Practical Guide

Click here to access.

Standard Support Service Guidelines
  • Here you will find, in one place, several channels and support information, so as not to miss any action or convenience provided by TOTVS Support to you! Check out the link: Read morelink
  • We provide the latest existing documentation for the product Protheus Fixed AssetRead morelink
  • Check the routines that have been or will be discontinued for the Protheus Fixed Asset product.Read morelink
  • Totvs thinks about product quality and customer success.Read morelink
Knowledge Base
News Section
  • Totvs thinks about product quality and the customer's success.Read morelink
  • Article about the new feature we created for you.Read morelink
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